Brittany Lynn
Born Easter Sunday,
April 15 , 1990.
Murdered in her own home at age 3, October 10th, 1993
by Chuck Johnson.
We need your letters by 10/10/2023 of Opposition for
Chuck Johnson Parole from Prison
He changed his name when he was
an adult to be named to
Chuck Edward Johnson II
Parole Hearing #3 is on November 16, 2023
We need your help again. Chuck Johnson committed an especially heinous murder. Brittany was 3 years old in her own home.
Chuck Johnson was 24 years old when he killed Brittany. At this Parole Hearing for the first time because California laws keep changing by increasing the age, Chuck will have a Youthful Offender hearing. The parole board is required to give great weight to diminished culpability compared to adults for anyone under the age of 26.
Chuck Johnson will be 54 years old at the hearing. He will also have for the first time since California laws have changed again for an Elderly Parole hearing stating at age 50 and 20 years served. This hearing will give special consideration to his age, time served and diminished physical condition.
Chuck Johnson has been denied parole 2 times for a 7-year denial because he still is a danger.
Please know this murderer has not matured, grown or rehabilitated. These extra parole considerations have nothing to do with his youth at the time or the age he is now. This is just another way to release violent criminals. Why are we second guessing a jury who convicted him and the appellate court who confirmed his verdict. His sentence was 25 years to life.
Statement from the 2016 Parole Hearing Decision (Read the 17-page decision under the documents tab)
Your lack of credibility the physical evidence does not support the account you put forth today. You failed to show adequate signs of remorse and take full responsibility for your criminal responsibility. We did not see your substance abuse to be a contained element for the reasons killing Brittany. You have a violent pass as we noted particularly with women, and that is a concern. You have not engaged meaningfully in institutional activities.